
Q and A - Pinging the HR Guy; Job Search in Another City; Slow Moving Employer Decisions; Interviewing After-Hours; An "Agent" Recruiter

Answers to your Questions


Thank you everyone who sent your great questions about the intricacies of the hiring process! Below I address some of your submissions. The names of the senders have been omitted, and questions have been edited as lightly as possible for purposes of space and clarity (thank you for understanding).


Question: As a human resources professional, you put up a post, you get hundreds of responses, candidates want to check status, etc. Candidates search on LinkedIn for an HR person in the target company. How well is this type of query received? Do you guys prefer to not be contacted (I would assume yes), what is the etiquette here?

Answer: You hit upon a key observation - it's typical for a recruiter to get hundreds - if not thousands - of résumés for a job posting. I would advise that you follow up with HR using kid gloves - meaning, limit your followup to a single phone message or email to your HR contact to inquire about your résumé. Whether you reach them or not, be gracious with your inquiry. Have something memorable about yourself in the message ("I am an IT engineer with 10 years supporting CISCO"), thank the contact for their time and consideration, and most of all, make your inquiry brief. An email is nice because it can always be written with a great deal of thought AND can include a fresh copy of your résumé. Remember, calling once is a reminder; calling ten times is a form of stalking.


Question: I've lived in Houston for over 20 years since graduating from college, and I am now looking to move to Los Angeles in order to be closer to family. Any tips on effectively conducting a search remotely, as there's no way I'm leaving my current job until Ihave one lined up in L.A.?

Answer: Conducting a job hunt from another city is extremely difficult, unless your skill set is in super-hot demand (for example, a CPA can pretty easily find work anywhere right now). But, there are a few strategies I would suggest.  The first action I would take is to make your résumé reinforce your connections to your target area. You can get a Google Voice phone number for any location in the United States, which will forward to your current number; in your situation, I would recommend signing up for a number in the 310 Los Angeles area code (or nearby) - this Southern California number will signal to target companies that you have ties to the area. On your résumé, change your address to reflect simply your Google Voice number and email address. As you apply to positions, you will have increased your chances of getting a response from potential employers. While this is no substitute for living in the new area, it should make your phone ring more often. When you speak with potential employers, indicate you are actively looking to move to L.A., and can make yourself available for an in-person interview at their convenience. Then hop on a plane for an interview when asked to do so.


Question: Why are potential employees told that a decision will be made within a certain time frame when that is not the case?

Answer: Several, perhaps infinite, possible reasons. Here are some potential reasons I can think of off the top of my head:

  • The hiring team may have decided on a candidate and made an offer in their initial time frame only to have their selected candidate decline the offer.

  • The hiring manager had to take unexpected leave.

  • The company had a reorganization and they need get everybody settled.

  • Somebody on the team quit, now they need to figure out how to reallocate work - the original hiring specifications may not be enough.

  • The hiring manager was recently promoted and is new to the process, and didn't realize it would take so much damn time and effort to hire somebody.

  • A key interviewer is traveling on business.

  • A budget freeze has placed the position on hold.

  • The recruiter is stalling for time because he doesn't know how to break the news to you that you're not the leading candidate.

  • A colony of red ants has taken over the office, and everyone is busy applying Benadryl to the bites.


Question: Why do potential employers/recruiters not understand that when you are currently employed you cannot always interview in the middle of the day or with almost no notice? Not everyone can call out sick. leave early, come in late or use time without risking their current job.

Answer: I get it, believe me. It's tough to do the disappearing act at work without people noticing. Nobody really enjoys staying late at work for several hours unless they're avoiding going home. So, they're trying to make the best use of their hours during the workday, when it's easiest to get everybody lined up for an interview agenda.

But consider what it says about a company when your interview takes place after work. It could mean that the company is trying hard to accommodate your schedule. It could also mean the company culture dictates a work ethic of getting business done at all hours, work-life balance be damned. As an employer are they being flexible to meet your unique needs, or would expect you to be tethered to your phone all waking hours?


Question: I'm starting a job hunt. A recruiter with a staffing firm contacted me and asked me to not contact any companies directly. He asked instead that he send to him any job postings I see that I'm interested in & he will contact the companies directly. It sounded kinda flaky to me but I was wondering if there was any legit reason for me to do this?

Answer: This recruiter may know people or be working on jobs at some of your target employers, so he may be able to open some doors for you. But I get the sense this recruiter wants to be your “agent," and keep you all to himself so that if he doesn't place you somewhere, nobody does. His motivation would be to get a fee from whatever company he places you at. The issue is that this may close some doors for you - not every company wants to (or even has the budget to) use a staffing firm to fill a position, and by asking you to work through him, this recruiter is asking you to limit your options in the market. Unless you're a Major League Baseball player or a Hollywood actor, where using an agent to contact employers is the norm, I can't recommend heeding his suggestion.


Do you have any questions about the hiring process you would like to see answered in this blog? Do you have ideas for future article topics?  If so, I’d love to hear from you! Please feel free to email me your questions and suggestions to Submissions will be kept anonymous when published.

Scott Singer is the President and Founder of Insider Career Strategies Resume Writing & Career Coaching, a firm dedicated to guiding job seekers and companies through the job search and hiring process. He is a Human Resources professional and staffing expert with almost two decades of in-house corporate HR and staffing firm experience, and is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and Certified Professional Career Coach (CPCC).

Insider Career Strategies provides resume writing, LinkedIn profile development, and career coaching services, including a free resume review. You can email Scott Singer at, or via the website,


Three Weekly Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy Job Hunting Tips - May 31, 2015

Lemon Squeezy
Lemon Squeezy

Here are three simple job hunting tips for you to begin your week!

  1. Want to know what's happening in the job market? It's critical to know what's going on out there from an employer's point of view. Check out the LinkedIn US Recruiting Trends Report. You can sign up to receive this 37 page report published by the friendly folks over there at LinkedIn. Among the highlights - the job market is heating up, and more companies are using social media to find talent. Be ready!
  2. Turn off your cell phone before you start your interview. Did I really need to remind you? If you've chosen to interview, any calls can wait.
  3. Smile during the interview. Even by phone, it changes the tone of your voice. And it makes you more likeable. Can't hurt, can it?

Scott Singer is the President and Founder of Insider Career Strategies Resume Writing & Career Coaching, a firm dedicated to guiding job seekers and companies through the job search and hiring process. He is a Human Resources professional and staffing expert with almost two decades of in-house corporate HR and staffing firm experience, and is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and Certified Professional Career Coach (CPCC).

Insider Career Strategies provides resume writing, LinkedIn profile development, and career coaching services, including a free resume review. You can email Scott Singer at, or via the website,


What Should I Believe About Online Employer Reviews?


Online reviews are all the rage. Consumers review their product purchases on Amazon. Diners review their experiences eating out on Yelp. Why should employment be any different? There are sites online which enable individuals to do the following:

  • Employees, both current and former, can rate factors surrounding their experiences working in a company, and provide a detailed description. They may also leave information about their salary.
  • Interviewees can rate and leave a detailed description about the interview experience.

The exposure companies receive due to online employer reviews can often lead to positive change. Make no mistake - employers pay attention to what is said about them on the open market. In the war for talent, it all matters. Companies may use the data gleaned to get a pulse of employee engagement, and work to drive positive change.

And yet, there are several aspects of these online employer reviews which must be considered with a critical eye.

  • Self-nomination of reviewers: Nobody is required to leave a review on online of their experience. In many companies, engagement surveys and exit interviews are conducted with the majority of current and exiting employees to get a sense of trending sentiments and specific issues. Who is more likely to feel compelled to leave a review: The individual who is satisfied with their work experience (i.e., promoted in the last year), or the individual with a negative work experience (i.e., passed over repeatedly for promotion)? For example, I love my camera - it works consistently and without issue, so the manufacturer never hears from me; but if I have a problem and it gets wonky, do you think I'll hesitate to make a fuss?
  • Sample size: Individual experiences are valuable in terms of learning about some specific issues individuals have encountered, but unless there is a large enough sample of individuals surveyed, it's extremely difficult to draw general conclusions. I refer back to my example of engagement surveys and exit interviews.
  • Comparisons across companies: This also makes it difficult to compare experiences between companies of different sizes. Let's assume for the sake of argument that one percent (1%) of employees leave a review online. For a 100-person company, such your local marketing firm, that would equal one review per year, which is hardly a large sample size. For a mammoth organization such as Walmart, which has approximately 2.2 million employees, one percent of this population leaving online reviews would equal 22,000 reviews per year.
  • Anonymity of reviewers: Ex-employees can and usually do opt for the veil of an anonymous review. This puts the company at a disadvantage, because while the company may have the opportunity to respond online, they cannot know of the specific circumstances of the reviewer.

How do you decide what to believe about working for a company?

  • Evaluate the validity of the online reviews. Look at the sample size of the online reviews to see if you can identify meaningful trends. Do the reviews strike you as reflecting structural issues, or do the complaints lodged appear individual in nature?
  • Do your own research. Speak with individuals in your network who have worked at the company. Ask other people you know who may know folks who work there. If you have an acquaintance at a staffing firm who has tried to provide employees for the company in question, they may be able to provide you valuable insight. Check online news sites to see what they say about the company - positive and negative.
  • Use data from online reviews to prepare. Make notes about what you see people say online. As you speak with acquaintances, ask them about the validity of what you've read. Use the data you find to build targeted questions to ask during your interviews with the company.
  • Who is your boss? Sometimes, the department or manager you work under can matter far more than the overall corporate structure.

Bottom line: It's your decision, get all the facts before making any move. Just like with any major decision in your life.

Scott Singer is the President and Founder of Insider Career Strategies Resume Writing & Career Coaching, a firm dedicated to guiding job seekers and companies through the job search and hiring process. He is a Human Resources professional and staffing expert with almost two decades of in-house corporate HR and staffing firm experience, and is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and Certified Professional Career Coach (CPCC).

Insider Career Strategies provides resume writing, LinkedIn profile development, and career coaching services, including a free resume review. You can email Scott Singer at, or via the website,